4 September 2013

Deeply touched by this....

Last night I had just got home after a long day  at the office and opened an email from someone I had never heard of, and didn't recognise as even an aquaintance. They wanted to donate some money to Visible Recovery and asked how they could do that. I was floored. I rang my mum and asked her if she recognised the name, but no, no-one she knew either. I wrote back and thanked them for their generous offer of whatever it was, and asked them how they knew of us? 

I got no response last night, but as I was sat with my Mum at the RAH before her Oncology appointment this morning, another email came in explaining who it was. They had seen me at a presentation I gave with Joy Anasta at Tabor College (a Counsellor and Tutor there) earlier in the year about my addiction and what had happened to me, and my recovery, as a part of a Post Graduate course they were all doing. This person was obviously stirred enough by what I said to want to help the cause. (At no time did I ever ask for donations I might add.)  I graciously accepted whatever donation it might be, and sent over my company bank details. I said it was conditional on them accepting an invitation to our opening night for them both. They wrote back to let me know that her and her husband had put $500.00 in our account. I was completely and utterly stumped. There really are people out there that are just so lovely, and so awesome. To honestly have this project in their minds enough to want to make them donate that amount to me to help with everything is just gorgeous. I feel totally blessed. And it will get spent on something very useful at the rehab, and they will see what that is on our opening night.

And it didn't stop there either. Ken and I went to our flooring people to see about the rugs and runners that we have chosen for the floors at the rehab, and I was telling Monique, the salesperson that has been so helpful there, about this person that donated the money. Monique has given Ken and I fantastic pricing on everything for the rehab already. Her boss (at Choices on 36-38 Richmond Road, Keswick, Mr. Bruno Iannucci is the Director of the company) overheard that we were running a rehab, and also overheard the story about the person that donated the $500.00, and he said "I will match that with a further discount of $500.00 from your bill, and free delivery". 

I don't know what to say, except that it has never happened before like that in my entire life. I sit here as I am writing this just gob-smacked. Special thanks for lighting up my life for today to the people that so kindly donated. You know who you are. Thank you to Bruno at Choices. Thank you to my higher power and to the universe. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 

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