29 July 2013

Our new Doctor and Medical Director

I am pleased to announce that our new doctor and Medical Director is Doctor Girolamo (Roly) Vinci. Roly is a very experienced GP, and runs several large clinics across the city, and has a practice literally a minute away from our rehab, over in Hutt Street. Perfect! I have copied his Bio that he sent me earlier below for interest. He brings a wealth of experience along to the table. Ken and I are both extremely pleased to have Roly join Visible Recovery, as this addition brings with it a raft of opportunity for us as a company, and a massive benefit for all of our future clients. It is rare to find a Doctor that supports abstinence as a treatment modality here, so we are lucky to have found one in Roly.

He writes...
"I have a passionate interest in General Practice as a profession, in expanding the number of medical graduates who consider this as their first choice for further training and as their vocation.  I am greatly interested in medical education, in particular in the community, in the well-being of general practitioners, in the good health of general practice as profession and in improving this in the future.  I have worked in the Western Division area, the Northern Division area, the Southern Division area of S.A., and also in Queensland, in Cairns and Brisbane. I have been involved for some years now in the multidisciplinary team approach to primary care. I have experience at Board level with a number of organisations. I have an interest in the local community and have been club doctor for Western Strikers, since 1998, a Super League soccer club.

I am passionately interested in the health of our community, in general and have been involved with aged care in nursing homes in the general community and continue to undertake regular home visits for my elderly patients. I have recently become president of  PISA,  which provides meals and services to the aged in our community, and am now one of its directors.

I am directly involved in a general practitioner training program as a trainer and supervisor and have been the Supervisor Liaison Officer for the Adelaide to Outback GP  training program, having contact with multiple supervisors and have been on the Board of the National GP supervisor association, representing GP supervisors, and have been the chair of GPSLON, a national organisation. (GP Supervisor Liaison Officer Network.)

I believe that I will bring a wide range of personal and medical expertise and experience from the general community, the medical community and from my experience in business and corporate governance to Visible Recovery  and would like to offer my services in this board nomination."

Both Ken and I welcome you to Visible Recovery whole-heartedly Roly. Thank you.

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