21 May 2013

First coat on

I had the Heritage Architect, Kevin Sullivan, out from the Adelaide City Council this morning. We had to discuss colours and stuff for the outside of the house, and I am glad that I called him in. It turns out theat we need planning permission fro  anything that happens to the outside of the building, regardless what it is. The good news is that only takes 2 weeks, and better than that, if the work is restorative and brings the building back to its original heritage, the council will pay half of the bill. Fan-dabby-dosie then. 

We need planning permission for the new gutters too. They can only be made of galvanised steel, must be OG (Old Gothic) section guttering, and cannot be painted, end of.

OG Section Guttering
BUT...they will pay half. When I talked about the front of the house, it appears that the last time it was painted, permission was not sought, so the pointed sandstone they have painted over has to be cleaned off and bought back to original. The woodwork and the rest of the building outside must be in heritage colours, which is fine. We just need to decide which ones and apply for permission. But the front stone work is going to be a $10,000 job! Well....$5,000 after the council chip in anyway, so it looks like there will be some more negotiating with the buildings owners over that one.

The result will be absolutely delicious no doubt. And we are allowed to up light the front of the building externally as well, so it will look gorgeous. And that is how we want it to look too.

I have finally managed to get the first coat of toffee on everything! Proud of that, now I can go over it all and paint it again. Yipee!!  

 From this...

...to this. The woodwork has its first coat...

Centre punched and filled nails, and the gaps between the boards raked out

Preparing the floors on the RHS house for sealing

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