What a day. We were on site at 7:30 to meet with a delivery of a 9 cubic metre skip. The chap was 3/4 hour late, and then when he got there, he said he couldn't get the skip up the driveway, and that we would be up for a $1,500 fine if we put it on the road unless we had arranged a permit. Pain in the butt. So, because I do things right these days, its off to the Adelaide City Council to get one. It was still useful to be there as my business partner and I agreed on several key things concerned with the development of works there. The floors are now all stripped completely throughout, back to pine floorboards. We will start to de-staple (left from the hardboard sub floor) and hole punch the nails down in them next week, in readiness for sanding later on.Then we have agreed a plan for the client bathrooms and the plastering work that needs doing in the whole building. We are re-grouting one bathroom, and have some more repairs and an old bath to remove from the other, and have to re tile that one completely.

Brim full Sharps Boxes found on site
Used Syringes found on site
Another Sharps Box and Cannula found on site
A Knife found wrapped in the cloth shown and stuffed under one of the sinks that was removed from a bedroom
We got rid of all the above waste today, given that we haven't found any more, and not likely to now. We dropped them off at Waranilla's secure Sharps Box at the front gate in Osmond Terrace. I'm happy to say that there is now no more drug taking paraphernalia on site at all. A good way to start methinks.
The Office Fireplace
On a far more interesting note, on having a closer look at the fireplace that is in what will be the office, we have discovered that it is actually a marble fireplace surround. There are 2 actually, one in the other front room opposite. Victoria and I lifted the 3 piece marble surround out after a little coaxing and managed to get the old iron fireplace out as well. Her eyes lit up like a child in a sweet shop, so I know Vic will do a great job of them. Her own project for the next few weeks, and one that will be admired by many as well. She is reading up on stripping paint from marble as I write this!
So, the weekend is here, and we are having a couple of days off. The first week has been a really tough one, and both of us ache from moving so much stuff, but it is a good kind of ache indeed. Hopefully next week there will be a permit to have a skip delivered outside for a few hours, and we can finally clear the place of what we have got ready to throw out.